
Optimised for Search Engines

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is a vital part of modern web design and development. Websites that are not optimised risk potential indexation issues and can suffer in the search engine results pages which can lead to less visitors finding and engaging with your website.

All websites we develop promote SEO best practices and allow you to manage a variety of on-page factors via the content management system. We also provide additional SEO support and consultancy services to help you get your website ranking as high as possible.


Content Managed

All of the websites we develop are built within a Content Management System (CMS). By using a CMS such as Umbraco you have control over your content and you and your team can add and edit pages on your website as you need.

We love working with Umbraco as it is the world's leading open-source .NET CMS and provides a great editor experience for users of all levels.


Fully Responsive

Responsive web design allows the content on the page to change and resize to best suit the device it is viewed on whether that is a desktop computer, laptop, tablet or mobile phone. 

With the majority of web searches now taking place on mobile devices it is vital that your website displays correctly when viewed on a tablet or mobile phone. If it doesn't then you risk losing potential customers who, instead of persevering with a web page not optimised for their device, will most likely click back and view the next website in their search results hoping for a better experience.

We are strong believers in responsive web design and all new websites we develop adhere to these principles and use the latest responsive frameworks and best practices.


Our Partners

Fasthosts Technology Partner
Umbraco Registered Partner
Microsoft Partner
ANS Partner