National Coding Week 13-19th September 2021!


Writing code is basically how we communicate with computers and is the foundation of web and software development. As humans and computers don’t speak the same language, there needs to be a translation system in order for us humans to make computers or machines, do what we want them to do.

But what is ‘code’? 

Happy National Coding Week to all the coders out there! But for those who aren’t seasoned coders, here’s a brief on what coding actually is. 

Writing code is basically how we communicate with computers and is the foundation of web and software development. As humans and computers don’t speak the same language, there needs to be a translation system in order for us humans to make computers or machines, do what we want them to do. 

Computers understand binary code. Yep, old school ones and zeros. It’s a mathematical language which means they only really understand ‘yes’ and ‘no’. So if we want to tell computers what to do and how to do it, we have to breach this language barrier, and that’s where code comes in. 

Coding is a type of writing which is far more sophisticated than binary code but not as advanced as the complexities of the human language. It’s like the compromise between two extremes. There are then programmes built into the computer than effectively translates the code that has been written into binary so it’s crystal clear to the computer. Once effective communication has been established, the computer will then carry out your instructions. 

There are different types of coding languages, each with its own specialities, which means you can choose the type of code to write in to suit what you’re trying to achieve. 

Here are some of the code languages we use regularly at Titan Webtech to create bespoke software for our clients, Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems and websites. 


This is the backbone of coding. It gives structure to a web page and its content i.e. font sizes, paragraphs, tables, bullet points. 


Developed by Microsoft, C# is an object-orientated programming language and is best used when developing desktop and mobile apps, websites and cloud-based software. 


JavaScript is responsible for interactivity on websites, starting with the simple action of clicking a button on a website to high level animations. 

Other languages/frameworks we use are ASP.NET, CSS, jQuery, Typescript, VB.NET, SQL, Bootstrap, Knockout and Angular. 

And here’s a lovely photo of three of our coders – Director Dave Clinton (L), Joe Barber and Natalie Sefton-Fiddian. 

10100011000 (goodbye in binary apparently!) 


National Coding Week

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